Sunday, October 26, 2008

Murders of Fame

Actress and singer Jennifer Hudson, was startled one evening to receive a call from Chicago Police telling her that her brother and mother were found murdered in their home on Friday evening.
The body's were discovered by Jennifer's sister Julia and was startled not only to find the bodies, but to find that Jennifer's nephew, Julian King was not there.
27-year-old William Balfour was in custody and is being treated as a suspect in the murders, but no charges have yet been filed. Balfour has a criminal record which includes: hijacking and attempted murder.
Jennifer rushed back home after receiving the news from a promotional tour for her new album and movie.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colin Powell

Today on the news I watched as Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama for the 2008 election. I loved every word that came from his mouth. Colin Powell is a very well educated man and that showed through in this interview. He talked about how members of his own party were pointing out that Barack Obama was Muslim, Powell retorted, " First of all, he is christian and what would be the problem if he was Muslim? What is the problem with a 7 year-old Muslim boy dreaming that one day he could be president?"
I completely agreed with everything Powell said, and I loved how eloquently he spoke throughout the whole interview.

(this is for the week of October 13th-17th because the next school week hasn't started.)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

All Hallows Eve

Halloween is almost always linked with candy, costumes, and scary stuff as soon as the word is mentioned. Most people do not realize the historical background to Halloween. All Hallows Eve is the day before All Saints Day. All Hallows Eve is a catholic/christian religious holiday. All Hallows, much like Halloween, is a day for feasting on treats, apples, nuts, and harvest fruits, and was part of pagan worship for centuries. This holiday was to celebrate the recently departed (the dudes that just died) and has turned into something that causes distress for many. Halloween, now-a-days, is celebrated in great excess by practical jokers by vandalism, tricks, and other shenanigans. I think All Hallows Eve should be treated with dignity and respect, but still allow the young to have fun. What's your opinion?


The debates are very influential on a voter's decision of president. But, however, I believe that people that have strong political beliefs are bound and determined not to be swayed. Just recently I was riding with a friend to a football game a she brought up the vice presidential debate; her father quickly mentioned how wonderful he believed Sarah Palin had done. We had earlier in the morning gotten started on this topic and I mentioned to her the fact that Mrs. Palin didn't answer all of the questions appointed to her. She now brought this comment up with her father saying that, "I agree... It's just.... she never answered all of the questions." her father, shocked by what his daughter had just said, quickly retorted, " Yeah well... Biden didn't do so hot either and everybody does that, its whats supposed to happen."

What I'm really trying to say here with this anecdote is that young minds are easier to mold, and are open to more opinions. When the young are provided with facts and opinions from all sides, they are more likely to make their own decisions rather than those of the people that most influence them, they are not stuck in one mind set. Even I personally have switched my opinions because of the facts provided to me.